Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is a snitch in an exciting action thriller and you can watch Snitch online for free. Either stream the full movie online or download it to play it on your computer or television in high quality video. Directed by Ric Roman Waugh who actually has a stuntman background, you can watch Snitch online free through the links provided on this page. The movie is released on February 22, 2013 and it is being hyped up as an intelligent crime thriller that will get movie goers like you excited to watch Snitch online.
So what is the movie Snitch about? It is a story of a father who puts his life on the line to save his son who is facing a long prison sentence. The Rock makes a deal with the Feds to turn himself into an undercover informant and tries to infiltrate the dark side of the drug wars. If this sounds exciting enough, watch Snitch online free today.
So the plot sounds familiar enough, this type of storyline has been rehashed over and over right? So what separates this movie from others and why should you watch Snitch online? For one, the movie stars Dwayne The Rock Johnson, that’s why! Although The Rock is known more for his action roles, he is capable of pulling off dramatic roles. And that’s what he does in Snitch. He delivers a one man performance that not only is packed with action sequences and scenes but dramatic acting that keeps the tension up and makes the movie all that more exciting. Watch Snitch online for free, the movie released in February 2013.